Friday, December 15, 2017

The God Of No Pleasure

Psalm 16:11 declares that at the right hand of the LORD there are pleasures forevermore. I’m often refreshed by considering that verse, because deep down inside, we all know that we were created to enjoy God and to drink deeply and eternally from the river of His pleasures.

However, there is one thing (at least) that God takes no pleasure in, and that particular thing is articulated in Ezekiel 33:11 (ESV) -

Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?

We are living in a tremendously volatile season in America right now, in which the Spirit of God is exposing evil and sin in all its ugliness at many levels. National leaders in government, media, sports, entertainment – all through the seven spheres of influence – are in the spotlight as things that have been hidden are brought out into the open.

In such a time as this, there is a temptation, even as godly people, to rejoice over the downfall of people who have acted wickedly, especially when they have presumed to stand in judgment of others who fell short of God’s perfection. We must beware of this temptation to rejoice or gloat, because that attitude is contrary to the heart of our Father, God. His purpose in bringing such matters to light is not destruction, but repentance, and His heart is grieved over the brokenness of humanity, and of the individuals whose lives are crumbling before the glare of the spotlight.

We Christians are not to gloat or rejoice over such things. We are to weep and intercede, to be agents of mercy even as we speak the truth in love. We are to be without compromise, even as we hold out arms of compassion to those whose failure is being exposed.

None of us is without sin – I certainly have no room to cast stones of judgment or celebration at the demise of another, even if I vehemently disagree with their politics, their worldview, or their orientation on a number of issues. When I speak, I must speak truthfully but kindly. When I criticize, I must do it with a gentle spirit, lest the same thing come my way – see Galatians 6:1 about that.

The assignment given to us as God’s representatives in this world is the same as it was in Moses’ time, as he recalled God’s instruction to the Levitical priests: they were to be carriers of God’s presence, they were to minister to the Lord in worship, and they were to speak blessings in His Name (Deuteronomy 10:8). If we are faithful in those three things, the power of God will indeed be released in our time, and we will see His Kingdom come like never before.

Gary Wiens

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Best Christmas Gift Ever

This morning I’m reflecting on Isaiah 49 and 50, where the Holy Spirit is showing the contrast between the unresponsiveness of God’s people, and the complete and perfect responsiveness of the Servant Son, Jesus. It’s a wonderful meditation for the Christmas season, and my heart is moved with thankfulness for God’s indescribable gift of love – that He Himself would become the obedient Son, and then include me (and us!) in His amazing mercy and grace.

In the first several verses of this chapter, God simply states the fact that the distance between Himself and His people is not due to His rejection, but to their lack of response to His initiatives. It is a simple thing to see myself in this passage – preoccupation with life, worries about a variety of things, and – too often – just plain avoidance of God’s invitations to draw near.

But then, in verse 4 and following, there is the testimony of the Servant Son, whose availability and response to the Sovereign Lord is perfect. Where I do not heed the Lord’s call (v.2), the Servant Son is ever a listener (v.4). Where I am unconvinced about the Lord’s love (49:14) and power (49:22), the Servant Son is confident in the Lord’s help (50:7,9) and nearness (50:8). Where I suffer because of sin and rebellion (50:1ff), the Servant Son suffers because He is obedient (50:5ff). The enemy has a right to accuse me because of offenses (50:1ff), but the Servant Son knows that no charge can be sustained against Him (50:8-9). Where I have failed, He has not. Ever.

The reality that turns this passage from bad news to good news is that the Heavenly Father, because of His great love for me and for you, sent this obedient, responsive Servant Son into the world to live the perfect human life, to suffer and die in my place as a substitute for me, and to welcome me into the Father’s family by the power of His resurrection life.

Because of His great love, I am not forgotten, rejected, or left out. Neither are you. All He asks is for me to love Him and respond to Him in thanksgiving and trust. This is the first and best Christmas gift. Ever.

Gary Wiens