Saturday, May 13, 2017

Enlisting the Help of Angels

“Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” – Hebrews 1:14

Over the past few months, the Holy Spirit has been shaking us awake regarding the ministry of angels in our everyday experiences. Beginning with a blog entry from Kris Vallotton, in which he challenged us that believers have neglected this very Biblical resource, there has been a steady stream of reminders from many sources that God is emphasizing the ministry of angels in this season.

The first thing we became aware of is the almost 300 Biblical references to angelic activity in which these heavenly messengers are sent to assist humans that need help from Heaven. Two of those situations struck me personally – both involving angelic ministry to Jesus Himself when He was at a point of need. Once in the wilderness, after His season of testing by Satan, and once in Gethsemane as He was strengthened for His ultimate test, the cross by which He provided salvation and everything involved in that reality for us, angels came to minister to Him.

If Jesus needed and benefitted from angelic ministry, how much more do we need the assistance brought by these ministering spirits?

Two stories that directly involve angelic ministry: Last fall, during a transition in our lives, Marie and I had sold our home, and were looking for a different house to purchase. In the interim, we lived in a motor home for two months. The RV had an awning over the doorway that operated by hand, using a mechanism to roll the awning in and out. This mechanism had broken, and when it came time to move into our home, we needed to move the RV, but I couldn’t get the awning to retract. I worked on it for more than 30 minutes, getting more frustrated by the second. It simply would not work, and I couldn’t move the RV until I got that fixed. As I was stewing in my frustration, the simple thought came into my mind – “Ask for an angel to help.”

Now understand – I was not in a particularly spiritual mood, at least not a holy spiritual mood! So I blurted out “God, I need an angel to help me here, right now!” The prayer lasted 3 seconds. I tried the awning again, and it went right into place as though it was new. Bang – done! I started laughing and called Marie to tell her.

Second story (this one just happened within the last ten days) – Marie has a sister, Laura, who lives in Minnesota. She is a horse woman, and has a favorite horse she has ridden and loved for years. Recently, she asked her veterinarian to administer an inoculation against the West Nile virus, and the horse had a severe reaction against the drug. It went into convulsions, thrashing on the ground, unable to rise, its organs beginning to shut down, eyes bulging, tongue hanging out of its mouth. Laura and the vet worked with the horse for several hours, and at around 1 AM the vet told her that there was nothing more to do, that the horse would likely not live through the night.

Now, Marie had been telling Laura about angelic activity, sharing stories with her. So, Laura immediately went into the tack room of her stable, and in her anguish began to call out to God for an angel to help. After some time, she suddenly felt very sleepy, and went to her bed. In a deep sleep, suddenly a “man” came to her in a dream, and said “Wake up! Your horse has been healed.”

Laura went back out to the stable, and her horse was standing in his stall, perfectly well, even looking younger and stronger. Laura insists that he was even a lighter color than before the incident. She called her vet the next morning, explained what had happened, to his surprise and shock. The angel she had asked for did the healing work.

Angelic activity is real and available to those who inherit the Kingdom of God. Marie and I urge you: begin to study out the Scriptures concerning angelic activity. Read books about angels – James Goll and Billy Graham have written two of the best. Watch the movie “I Am Gabriel” on YouTube. God is doing something amazing in our time, and angelic activity is a big part of it.

Blessings on you all.
Gary Wiens

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